How Technology is Changing How We Treat Privacy

How Technology is Changing How We Treat Privacy

If you’re a doctor who doesn’t follow privacy laws… does that make you a FIPPAcrite?

It’s interesting to consider how it is that we are to maintain our privacy. How it is that we consider and assess our own perceptions of privacy. It’s crazy that we have to determine our comfort levels and how much we are to share with a class as a teacher, or if we are to share anything personal with our students at all. I have learned the risks of giving out personal information online to strangers, but to my students? It’s important to be aware of the possible consequences of posting pictures, personal information, and content online for the world to see. Yes, you have to think about this even BEFORE you have secured a job in the field, because remember, everything you ever have and everything you ever will post online, is there forever.

How important is your privacy to you? Online privacy is an essential subject to examine and consider. The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) stipulates that public bodies are responsible for protecting the public’s personal privacy. Teachers need to be cautious of the technologies that they use, ensuring that they don’t violate FIPPA.

One comment

  1. aaronmauger

    I loved the pun to open your blog posting, well done!
    I also agree that its crazy that we have to put so much thought into our digital presence, not for the present and the people we want to see it, but to be aware of our potential students and what it is they may see if they go look us up, and its almost certain at least one of them will eventually.

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