Creative writing: Theme/Symbolism
Check out my handout!!
How to read/write a short story
Before this activity, students are to read “Hills Like White Elephants”
Lesson objectives: students will learn to identify the use of symbolism and theme in literature
- They will be able to distinguish between the use of theme and main idea
- Students will learn to identify the relationships and interactions between themes and symbols
Student objective: identify symbolism and themes in the story
- Participate in active learning by establishing meaning from text
Definition of Concepts:
Symbolism: a device in literature where an object represents an idea
Theme: a topic of discussion or writing; a major idea broad enough to cover the entire scope of a literary work
- Writers convey meaning in texts through the use of literary devices, and these literary devices provide clues to determine both what the text says explicitly and what is implied
- The identification of devices such as theme or symbol can provide insights into the meaning of a text
Difference between the main idea and the theme: the theme is the underlying message that the author wants to convey, whereas the main idea is what the story is mostly about
Essential questions:
- What does the author think about this topic?
- What message do you think the author wants you to consider about this topic?
- How does the theme of the novel relate to the world or to humanity in general?
- Does the theme of this novel remind you of the theme of something else you have read/watched?
- Why do writers use symbolism?
- How does symbolism impact or enhance what we read?
Symbols and literary works in general can be interpreted in many different ways, depending on the reader. As long as you can support your argument with direct evidence from the text, it is valid
In most stories the author will not tell readers what the theme or lesson of the story is. Readers will have to think about what the characters did wrong or right and what they can learn from the character’s experience
With basic ideas of the symbolism and themes from this section of the story outlined, ask students to pay particular attention to these ideas as they read the rest of the story
Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text
Discussion Questions:
- What makes a theme powerful or memorable?
- Are any of the items in the story symbolic?
- Do any of these items tell you anything about the themes that will unfold in the play?
- What technique does the author use to introduce the themes of the story?
- Why does she look with fascination at the fields and trees across the plain? Is her comment about the hills being like white elephants silly or profound?
- What is the symbolic significance of the hills?
- The hills are something they undermine and do not want to talk about. It can also be something that gets in your way, something you have to cross to carry on with life
- The hills symbolize the woman’s pregnancy. It is something big that is looming in the distance, it interests and fascinates her, but at the same time she is a little bit scared of it
- What is the symbolic significance of the railroad tracks?
- The railroad tracks are crossroads, they symbolize a crossroad in a real-life decision. It could also be a crossroad in the couple’s personal beliefs
- The railroad has two very different landscapes on either side of it, one is barren and dry and the other has shade and trees. I think this represents the two choices that are before the woman, whether to have her baby or have an abortion
![B. Literary Analysis: [hills like white elephants] - ccnyfreshmancomp fall'14](