Thank you, Next!

Thank you, Next!

Hello again everyone… welcome to chaos. Okay, that may be an exaggeration. But I’m definitely feeling the stress of the semester! I feel like I can’t get one second of peace haha. Oh well! It’s not so bad…. Just a lot of small things. Like writing this blog post for example. Small, but still a task.


Well, I completed CodeAcademy’s “Learn to Code in 30 days” challenge. I guess that means I’m an expert now! Just kidding. I guess now I’m onto the next task.


Photo by Vasily Koloda on Unsplash


I’ve decided to begin at Khan Academy, they offer courses in introductory JavaScript. Khan Academy has a large collection of classes ranging from all over the spectrum, although I will be using it for coding only (at the moment). It’s pretty fast-paced and challenging, but it offers video walk-throughs to ease you through. Although, I have read online that it is best for beginners, as their more advanced coding techniques are “questionable”.


So far, I don’t really find coding too difficult, but it is a lot to remember. And I know that if I don’t keep up with it, I will forget it immediately. Before I found Khan Academy, I had been repeating CodeAcademy’s lessons so that it all stays fresh.

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